Views: 49 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2019-06-20 Origin: Site
While we look forward to the excellent fly-fishing fall will bring within few short weeks. Here making a list of some tricks and tips that make fishing more productive and more fun.
Firstly, each specific fishery around the world requires its own specific.
The 8.5-inch Dehooker is imperative to the survival of deeply hooked fish. I can reach down inside the mouth of a fish and grab the hook shank and push downward to dislodge the hook and ease it out. It will reach places that pliers can’t. They also have an 18-inch dehooker for toothier critters.
Knife and Shear Sharpener is a cool way to put a quick edge back on knives or scissors. One slick feature is that with the twist of you hand you can suction the base to any clean, slick surface so that you can sharpen one-handed which feels much safer.
Fishing line is made of one of three materials: monofilament, braid, or fluorocarbon. Before you choose a fishing line material, it’s wise to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of each type.
Second, inspect outboard motor carefully.
• Replace all engine fluids, oil filters and engine-fuel filters .
• Inspect and clean spark plugs. Replace per the engine-¬manufacturer maintenance schedule.
• Inspect grease fittings, and replace if necessary; add grease.
• Remove the propellers and check the lower-unit seal.
• Grease the propeller shaft. Replace the cotter pin when reinstalling.
• Remove the lower unit and inspect the water pump. Replace if necessary.
• Inspect the engine zincs and replace as needed.
• Inspect the grounding cable on the outboard bracket, as this can corrode and break. Clean or replace as needed.
• Inspect the battery cable connection to the engine; wire-brush clean and coat with dielectric grease.
• Inspect the power trim and tilt rams and end caps, and service them if needed. Coat them with waterproof grease when you are done.
• Replace all external spin-in fuel-filter canisters.
• Carefully inspect all fuel hoses and primer bulbs for leaks, wear or weathering. This is particularly important with older boats, as ethanol fuel blends can cause a breakdown in pre-ethanol-rated hoses, says Rice.
• Inspect all connections in the fuel-delivery system for any signs of leaks.
• Check the fuel vent and fill tube to the fuel tank to make sure vapor and fuel can flow freely.
Third, other tricks for your reference:
With indelible markers, you can add a number of realistic baitfish patterns to your soft-plastic baits. Get creative! Over time, the colors will “bleed” into the bait, giving them a unique fish-attracting appearance.
The most important links in your connection to a fish also happen to be the easiest to lose in your tackle bag. To better keep these tiny pieces of terminal tackle, slide them one at a time onto a large snap, then attach that snap to a lanyard worn around your neck. It keeps the snaps and swivels in easy reach when it’s time to re-tie in the middle of a hot bite.